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Programs + Events

I'm excited to be launching some online programs this year!

A Mind-Body-Spirit Upgrade


Downloadable Program
3 Sessions in 3 Weeks

This is a go-at-your-own-pace holistic wellness program that weaves elements from my background in astrology, psychology, holistic health, Ayurveda, and coaching into a a fairly comprehensive online retreat/wellness course. We will focus on a different goal/objective each week: astrologically-aligned intention setting and intuition, purpose finding with astrology and holistic approaches to stress, anxiety, and depression. There are journal prompts, workbook pages, activity nudges, meditations, and more, with inspirational tips and messages every day of the program. This is a do-it-yourself wellness retreat! Check it out and get ready to TRANSFORM!!

website images (Instagram Story) (YouTube Thumbnail)(2).png

Heal from Stress & Burnout

Downloadable Program
3 Sessions Self-Paced

This program is intended to help you support your adrenal glands, heal from stress, and improve your resiliency!


I originally created much of this content as part of a lecture I gave at UCLA Medical School/Cedars Sinai Hospital in 2021. I recorded that talk separately as a special "movie" just for this course. I edited art-filled informational slides into the movie and  created journal prompts plus an ebook to accompany the program. The ebook is available as a standalone item in my SHOP but was envisioned as a complement to this program.

I put dozens of hours of time, creativity, and love into this program. I am particularly sensitive to stress myself and have suffered from burnout twice during my medical education. Healing myself from those episodes solidified my path as a holistic physician. I have extensive personal and professional experience to offer on this topic.

If you're suffering from stress, fatigue, or burnout, give this program a look! It may also help with anxiety, finding your purpose and reorienting your career.

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