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I've created several gifts for people visiting my site. Each of these offerings is full of thoughtfulness and (hopefully) value. I was inspired for the two guides by some of the key questions I see in my practice. The Ecopsychology book I wrote is a quick read that is science-backed and is guaranteed to make you get outside! 

This is a one page handout/mini-guide packed with information drawn from my fifteen years' experience as a holistic psychiatrist. In this guide you'll find five supplements that are evidence-based (ie, scientifically proven) to improve moods. Click the link in the title to download. If you want to go deeper with this topic, I've written a longer ebook on Holistic Approaches to Depression for the truly curious.

This is a short ebook on the mental and physical benefits (and supporting research) of Ecotherapy (aka forest bathing or otherwise immersing oneself in nature). I wrote this content as a lecture for UCLA Med School in 2021. I expanded and adapted the material into an ebook format in 2023. It is TOTALLY FREE (you do not need to join my list or do anything in exchange). It is my way of thanking you for exploring my page and being interested in this topic. 

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This is a super mystical one-page handout including five special signs that signal a soulmate connection has happened, will happen, or is happening. We meet multiple soulmates in each lifetime. Predicting exactly when they will appear is a bit challenging (and is a more technical astrologic topic covered in my Astro-Romance ebook). This free guide will give you some great tips to help you know if you've met a soulmate already or what to expect when you do!

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