Learn Astrology
Want to take your experience of astrology to the next level? You can do an apprenticeship with me! Learn from someone with 15 years professional experience! I offer an introductory/novice program for total beginners, longer programs for curious or more experienced students, and a professional program for the truly dedicated.

Introductory Brief Apprenticeship
$575 for 4 60-min private (1:1) Zoom sessions or $795 for 4 90 - min sessions. Sessions include thorough analysis and teaching based on the student's own birthchart. There will be specific instruction related to understanding the design and function of the chart, with detailed teaching on the signs and planets. Houses, aspects, and more may be covered depending on the student's level of prior knowledge and rate of progress. (We can cover advanced topics, if the student comes to the program with a strong preexisting foundation in astrology.) The 90-min program will have greater time for analysis and discussion of your own chart, with some coaching/mentorship added.
Introductory Apprencticeship includes live Zoom lessons, syllabi/lesson plans for each session, personal chart analysis, homework, and mentorship.
Standard Apprenticeship
$1050 for 8 private 60-min Skype sessions. Similar experience to the Brief Apprenticeship but with more comprehensive instruction covering the houses, rulerships, rising sign, & sun's position. This apprenticeship includes homework assignments, case studies, greater depth, and a larger body of information. Advanced students can use these sessions to cover more sophisticated topics. Contact me to discuss a custom version of the Standard or Comprehensive Apprenticeship (below) that will be perfectly aligned with your current level of knowledge.
$1585 for 8 private 90-min Zoom sessions (every week for two months). Greater depth but similar design to the above 60-min 8-session program. More time to focus on self and personal insight (the student's own chart = our primary teaching tool). A very solid foundation to do casual astrology for friends and self.
Standard Apprencticeship includes live Zoom lessons, syllabi/lesson plans for each session, homework, mentorship, and practice using your own or your family/friends' charts.
To apply: fill out the paperwork under the "More>>Paperwork" tab and return via email to mysticmandala@gmail.com. Payment is by Paypal, VenMo, Zelle, or cc once your application has been accepted. Payment plans are available. Please apply several weeks in advance of your ideal start date, as there is sometimes a short wait for a session time. Sessions are usually on Tu or Thurs.
Questions? Email me. Sample syllabi are available, as is the course curriculum (list of lessons) for each program.

Comprehensive Apprenticeship
$3030 for 16 private 90-min Zoom sessions (every week for four months). A semi-professional level of investment and education. Goes into detail about karma, the nodes, planets in different signs/houses, Part of Fortune, aspects, and more. We will make some initial forays into predictive astrology. The student will be able to use astrology intelligently in blog posts, social media, and some work settings.
Payment plans are available for Comprehensive Mentorship, and this educational experience is potentially tax-deductible.
Comprehensive Apprenticeship includes live Zoom lessons, comprehensive syllabi/lesson plans, chart analysis exercises, homework, book recommendations, practice readings, feedback/mentorship, & business/marketing advice tailored to the student's unique level of development and progress.
Professional Apprenticeship
$6350 for 33 private Zoom sessions (16 x 90-min sessions and 16 x 120-min sessions + 1 bonus 75-min session (weekly for eight months or biweekly for four months). This program goes into considerable depth and nuance covering advanced topics such as transits, progressions, and solar returns (predictive astrology). Lunar returns, relationship charts, Astro-Cartography (astro-mapping), full/new moons, eclipses, asteroids, and more are also included. This is the training investment needed to feel comfortable working as a professional astrologer. Some of my previous students are now using their skills in journalism, television, medical, psychotherapy, and coaching settings.
Payment plans are available for Professional Mentorship, and this educational experience is tax-deductible.
Professional Apprenticeship includes live Zoom lessons, comprehensive syllabi/lesson plans, chart analysis exercises, homework, book recommendations, practice readings, feedback/mentorship, & business/marketing advice tailored to the student's unique goals and level of development.